GerlieMa Lee

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Hong Kong
Coaching Language
Years of Coaching Practice
3-5 Years
Coach Profile

GerlieMa Lee is a mindfulness and transformational life coach with a master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology, specializing in creativity and innovations.

Her mission is to help people to develop inner resources that will enable them to respond skillfully to challenging situations, and emotions such as anxiety, overwhelm, and shame, as well as to value and accept themselves so that they can create a passionate purposeful life of success, joy, and fulfillment.

Her work is informed by eastern wisdom teachings such as mindfulness and meditation, western spiritual psychology that explores the unconscious mind and shadow work, and maximizing human potential such as The Success Principles. In 2015, she created a heart-centered transformational program called Embodying  Awareness and Creativity for Transformation (ACT) for personal and spiritual development. 

When working with people, she utilizes client-centered approach, and honors their unfolding process. Her core values are empowerment, compassion, and balance. 

She brings to table multi-cultural awareness, having lived and studied in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Canada, the US, and Vietnam. With over two decades of work experience in fast-paced environment in the telecommunications as a sales operations director, and in the cosmetics trading industry as a business owner and trainer, she has an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by female executives, entrepreneurs, and teachers.

For booking and inquiries, she can be reached at

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