About Us

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Our Vision

We aspire to be the hub of advancement of coaching mindset and collaboration of interested coaching stakeholders in the international coaching ecosystem.

Our Mission

We serve the needs of interested coaching stakeholders and the Glocal community to professionally co-develop in a peer-supported and led coaching space for personal growth, professional enrichment and market advocation.

Our Story

The Hong Kong International Coaching Community (HKICC) is a non-profit organisation that cares about the development of coaching and coaches in Hong Kong and beyond. What started in 2002 as the first graduate class of a Hong Kong coach training school reconnecting to share experiences, we are now the longest established professional coaching association in Hong Kong. With well over 100 coaches and counting, we have grown into a professional community of individuals who share the common purpose to inspire and nurture people to be their best through coaching.

What We Do for You and the Community

We continuously strive to meet the needs of all our members. Regular growth and development initiatives are hosted to improve the skills and standards of our members as both coaches and coaching entrepreneurs. We recognise that new coaches may need guidance when starting their journey. We therefore organise specific workshops and mentoring programmes to support them. To give our members a chance to connect and learn from each other, we arrange regular drinks and social gatherings throughout the year, both online and offline. We also create volunteering opportunities for our members to support HKICC and other members, as well as to give back to society. Members are able to lead projects as mentors, become an event host, write a blog, join pro-bono initiatives and much more.

How we collaborate and co-create

At HKICC, we truly believe in the power of connection and collaboration to better the personal growth of our members, and make a greater impact on our community. We therefore co-operate with other fellow professional coaching organisations, NGOs, charities and governmental bodies.

Past co-operations include: 

  • Think Broadly Initiative with International Coaching Federation HK Chapter and International Association of Coaches HK Chapter 
  • Pro-bono Coaching and Panel Discussions with Newgig
  • Coaching-related SME Seminars and Webinars with SUCCESS of the Trade and Industry Department 

Our Members

We embrace equality, diversity and inclusion and are proud that our members come from all industries and backgrounds. They include members exploring a new career, parents working as coaches for a few hours each month, or coaches who are earning a living building up their coaching business.

What is Coaching

Over the years, professional coaching has continuously become more accepted as an effective approach for personal and professional development. It is a client and solution-driven partnership that focuses on the learnings and growth of the client through clarifying desired outcomes, reflecting on current challenges, and exploring opportunities. Coaching is distinctive from fields of counselling, consulting, mentoring and teaching, in that it focuses on forward-thinking action plans and goals. In doing so, it prompts self-awareness, accountability, confidence, and the motivation to expand possibilities and create positive changes.

Our clients have found coaching beneficial and impactful in different areas of their work and life such as:

  • Professional Leadership and Team Management
  • Personal Development
  • Career Planning and Transition
  • Parental and Other Relationships
  • Time Management
  • Work-life Balance
  • Health and Spirituality

Source: David Rock, Quiet Leadership

Leadership Team

Henry Chamberlain

Wise Ass Resident (WAR)

Yvonne Thackray

Special Advisor – Strategy & Supervision (SASS)

Michael Yeung

Fractional Integrator (FIT)

Venus Leung

Marketing Co-creator(MCC)

Rainbow Chow

Chief Event Officer (CEO)

Leona Wan

Chief Fun & Finance Officer (CFFO)

Vipul Malhotra

Community Service Initiator (CSI)

Nicholas Wai

Interim President/Nurturer & Co-creator of New Horizon (NCNH)

What We Stand For

As a community of coaches, we aspire to these diverse and inspiring values to guide our behaviours with each other and with those outside our community.

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