HKICC Event Highlight :
Coaching Lifecycle Series #5 – Tripartite Meeting
(19 February 2025)
On 19th February, we had an excellentturnout for our panel discussion on Tripartite Meetings in coaching. We werefortunate to have three experienced coaches share their knowledge and insightson conducting 3- or 4-way meetings in their specialized areas.
Carole Lewis, our expert in Business and Executive Coaching, emphasized the importance ofthorough preparation and understanding the dynamics between the client andtheir supervisor. She highlighted how tripartite meetings at different stagescan help set goals, manage progress, and celebrate successes.
Shalini Bindal, whospecializes in coaching teenagers, discussed the need to manage parentalexpectations during these meetings, fostering perspective shifts and alignmentbetween both parties.
Chris Chan, ourpanelist focused on team coaching, stressed the importance of continuouscalibration with teams and stakeholders regarding their dynamics, progress, andgrowth.
Finally, we would like to extend our sinceregratitude to Amy Fung for her outstanding efforts in organizing andmoderating today’s discussion. Her presence, apt questioning, and exceptionalability to engage the audience made the event truly insightful andenriching.”