C) Integrity
HKICC coaches demonstrate high ethical standards by being honest, truthful and working with conviction and integrity.
HKICC coaches:
Are open and honest about their own level of competence, experience and qualifications;
Market, advertise and present themselves truthfully;
Offer only services that they sincerely believe will be of value to the client;
Are open and transparent about any referral fees they receive;
Are congruent with their own standards of professionalism and self-care;
Are aware of and fully comply with relevant laws;
Have had significant experience working with a professional coach such that they understand the impact of coaching and they have experienced personal growth.
D) Competencies
HKICC Coaches:
1. Use meaningful processes that aim to:
Encourage coachee self discovery
Elicit coachee-generated solutions and strategies
Hold the coachee responsible and accountable
Discover, clarify and align with what the coachee wants to achieve
2. Seek to improve and expand their skills through continuous professional development;
3. Do not knowingly lay claim to a level of competence not possessed, and at all times exercise competence at least to the level claimed;
4. Provide services only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, or appropriate experience. They only accept work that they believe they are reasonably competent to perform;
5. Refer clients to other professionals when they perceive that the needs of the coachee may be beyond their professional expertise, particularly in the case of psychological or legal issues.
As you register and apply for listing in the directory of coaches of the Hong Kong International Coaching Community, you agree to abide by the coaching standards set forth by the Hong Kong International Coaching Community.