HKICC Community Outreach update – Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong

HKICC Community Outreach update – 
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong


Vipul Malhotra, VP Community Outreach

HKICC partnered with Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong on a 5-month coaching journey to empower its senior leadership team to develop their core competencies, strengthen their leadership skills, embrace a growth mindset, and achieve their FY23 strategic vision through focussing on their client values of accountability, humility, and courage. Led by our new VP of Community Outreach Vipul Malhotra, seven of our members volunteered their time and expertise for this worthwhile project, while receiving mentoring coaching from Vipul to discuss their challenges and further develop their coaching skills.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Hong Kong is part of the global non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the need for decent, affordable housing, and harnessing resources to improve living conditions including access to clean water, sanitation, and electricity for families. It has been serving the local community in Hong Kong since 2004.

The leadership team was grateful for the opportunity and here are some of their testimonials on completion of the journey:

“During the sessions, he asked me thought-provoking questions that inspired me to think more deeply and to search for answers myself. This helps improve my self-awareness and find the best way to reach my goals. I really learnt a lot via this additional information and even applied the learnings in my recent staff communication tasks which I received positive feedback from my colleagues! This is very encouraging to me indeed!”

“<Coach Name> supported me to gain clarity on my career path and identify focus areas for professional development. I also learnt how to tackle difficult situations more effectively and was able to practice this during the coaching period.”

“There were a number of aha moments. I definitely feel I have grown through the process thanks to <Coach Name> reigniting my confidence in myself to be the leader I need to be in a range of contexts.”

On conclusion of the program, VP Community Outreach and project-lead Vipul sums up his experience as follows:

This project was a unique experience for me in many ways. As a new coach in Hong Kong, I played multiple roles to ensure project rigor and effectiveness.

One of the biggest learnings for me was the significance and joy of taking a risk and jumping into the unknown and also the power of working together. Realising that the benefit is not necessarily in the outcome but truly in the lived experience of sharing the journey with a driven group of coaches and a zealous and courageous group of clients .

It reminded me of what Janet Hagberg said about stage 5 of Power by Purpose in her book “Real Power”. She said “Fives have a purpose in life that extends beyond themselves”.

I’m grateful to Habitat for Humanity in providing us with an opportunity to be in service of their vision.



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